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Romantic Holidays

Need a reason to celebrate love in any kind of it's wonderful splendor?
Try some of these on for a little heart, or celebrate every day.
(most are U.S. Calendar dates)

New Year's Eve(Dec. 31-Jan. 1 a.m. hours)-kissing with champagne
Love Yourself Month (Jan)-treat yourself right
Kissing Day (Jan. 1)-now here's a good way to start the new year!
Women's Day (Jan. 8-in Greece)-men take care of house and kids and women go out to play-this should be international!
Adult Day (Jan 8; 2nd Mon. in Jan.)-Japanese "Seijin-No-Hi" or coming of age/adult status (let your mind respectfully run through the gutter here)
National Bubble Bath Day (Jan. 8)-ahhhh...playful, relaxing and a good excuse
Man Watchers Week (Jan. 15-20)-like we need a reason...no stalking
National Hugging Day (Jan. 21)-now this shouldn't cause any problems at the office
National Compliment Day (Jan. 22; 4th Wed. in Jan.)-say anything, just make sure it's nice
Chinese New Year (Jan. 25)-kick start your good fortune or restart your resolutions
Spouse's Day (Jan. 26)-if you can't remember your anniversary
National Weddings Month (Feb.)-although June seems like it's more popular
Dump Your Significant Jerk Week (Feb. 5-11)-well that should help with Valentine's shopping
Art of Communication Week (Feb. 7-14)-funny how that's right before Valentine's Day
National Condom Week (Feb. 13)-love in a glove. As Martha would say, "It's a good thing."
Black Love Day (Feb. 13)-celebrating love within the black community, an alternative to Valentine's Day
World Marriage Day (Feb. 11; 2nd Sun. in Feb.)-so you know it's not just you
International Flirting Week (Feb. 12-17)-in case you're actively seeking a Valentine
Valentine's Day (Feb. 14)-this is a no-brainer and cupid makes it official; anyone can be either significant, or an "other"
Celebration of Love Week (Feb. 14-20)-self explanatory, eh?
National Date Festival (Feb. 16-25)-the kind you eat, i.e. fruit
Second Honeymoon Weekend (Feb. 17-18; 1st weekend after Valentine's Day)-in case V-day was booked
Mardi Gras/Fat/Shrove Tuesday (Feb. 27)-beads for skin views, if you're drinking a lot
Penis Festival (Mar. 15)-got your attention! Japanese Tagata Fertility Festival, decorated phallus statues, lollipops, parade, etc,
St. Patrick's Day (Mar. 17)-aka "get lucky day"
Sheelah's Day (Mar. 18)-Sheelah-Na-Gig, Ireland's goddess of fertility and sexuality
Daylight Savings (Mar. 9)-blind dating season begins
First Day of Spring/Vernal Equinox(Mar. 20)-flirtatious hormone season starts
Proposal Day (Mar. 20)-for marriage, not workplace
Marriage Day (Mar. 20)-Malaysian Hindu festival Panguni Uttiram celebrating celestial marriages
Single Parent's Day (Mar. 21)-not an easy job
National Poetry Month (April)-good time to dust off the sonnets and see if they have an effect
April Fool's Day (April 1)-arguably for anyone in love
Ex-Spouse's Day (April 2)-falls on Good Friday as the day of forgiveness
Casanova's Birthday (April 2, 1725)-lotharios everywhere, unite!
Reconciliation Day (April 2)-forgive, maybe forget, and make a fence-fixing effort
St. Isadore's Feast Day (April 4)-maybe you love your computer? This is the patron saint of the internet
Hocktide Festival (April 7)-lock up your man day, originating from a middle ages. Perhaps "ransom" paid to get out, could be fun.
International Feng Shui Awareness (April 8)-so you'll know that red symbolizes death in some cultures, rather than love
St. Casilda's Day (April 9)-a Moorish princess/Patroness Saint against sterility and bad luck.
Bisket Jaatra (April 14)-Nepal, a princess who required a different man every night of the week (and found dead in the morning). One prince slept with her and sword-slayed the slithering serpents from her nostrils in the morning. That beats morning breath.
Income Tax Day (April 15)-when the government loves to take your money day
Earth Day (April 22)-love the planet (should be celebrating this Every day)
May Day (May 1)-celebrating planting season, fertility, and dancing around a may pole (nothing phallic there) and decorating it with ribbons
Mother's Day (May 11)-celebrate all of the lovely women who are the moms of the world
Flag Day (June 14)-love your country, if you live in the USA
Father's Day (June 15)-appreciating the fathers, papas, grandpas, uncles and baby daddies everywhere
Summer Solstice (June 20) clothes closet changeover to really skimpy
Independence Day (July 4)-kissing with fireworks: oooh, aaaaah!
Friendship Day (Aug. 3)-Convert your buddy to the romantic side, or at least appreciate them more and stay friends
National Underwear Day (Aug. 5)-Now there's a parade we all want to see!
Grandparent's Day (Sept. 7)-before you were even a twinkle in your parent's eyes
Autumn Equinox/First Day of Fall (Sept. 22)-hand-holding season begins (walking on the leaves)
National Boss Day (Oct. 16)-excellent person to kiss up to
Sweetest Day (Oct. 18)-celebrate anyone nice
Daylight Savings Ends (Nov. 2)-more nighttime for candlelight
Halloween (Oct. 31)-costumes and role play (add a profession to the "blank" Dirty____/Slutty____)
Winter Solstice/First Day of Winter (Dec. 21)-snuggle season begins
Thanksgiving (Nov. 27)-appreciate all love's day
Christmas Eve (Dec. 24)-kissing under the mistletoe
Hanukkah (Dec. 22-29)-celebrate peace and love

Also try:
Full moons-go crazy
Celebrations-festive anyway
Job promotions-happy wallet day
Good news-toast from anywhere
Birthdays-gifts, cake and candles
Graduations-loving a sense of accomplishment

Missing something on the list? Send in your idea.

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